For one valued client, Christmas Day has arrived early in the shape of a brand new Hyundai HL975 Wheeled Loader 🚜
Having built up a strong working relationship, our client returned to KeySME Business Finance to facilitate the associated funding 💷
Taking time to understand their needs, we cut through the noise to source and structure a bespoke hire purchase solution that provides repayment certainty whilst remaining competitively priced ✔️
To compliment it's rugged performance and brute strength, the HL975 is dripping in creature comforts including climate control, 360 degree camera, LED work lights and an air suspension seat 😮💨
Supplied by Andrew Shaw and HES Enterprises in Irlam, this beast is built to last and ready to rock 💪
If you're operating in the #Construction or #CivilEngineering space, we can add real value 👍 Arranging finance for heavy plant is what we do and we do it well 😏
If you have any upcoming finance requirements, please get in touch to see how we can help #UnlockYourPotential 🚀