Through the Help to Grow: Digital scheme, SMEs can receive up to 50% (£5,000 max) towards the cost of buying approved software. The scheme is government-backed and aims to help businesses choose, buy and adopt digital technologies for CRM, accounting or ecommerce purposes:
CRM - Customer Relationship Management software can help you manage customer communications and contacts.
Accounting - Digital accounting software can help you stay on top of business finances by making it easier to record, store and analyse data.
Ecommerce - Ecommerce software can help you promote your brand and sell products direct through your website.
The Detail
When it comes to adopting digital technologies, cost and understanding can often dissuade business owners from investing in new or upgrading existing systems. Knowing which software is appropriate, having installation expertise and sufficient cash to support investment, are all common issues.
However, these barriers can be overcome with the right knowledge and funding support, which is where the Help to Grow: Digital scheme comes in. With expert guidance and targeted financial support, the scheme can help businesses address these challenges and harness the power of digital technologies.
With Help to Grow: Digital, businesses can access:
Free, impartial advice on which digital technology is most appropriate and how that technology can boost performance.
For eligible businesses, targeted financial support worth up to £5,000 (exc. VAT), towards the purchase of one software product.
With the right digital technology, a business can:
Organise operations, track activities and automate certain processes such as generating invoices.
Improve its ability to reach new customers with data collection and contact management tools.
Benefit from a more connected and effective workforce, reducing time spent on administration and paperwork.
Eligibility Criteria
All businesses can access the advice and guidance available through the scheme but to qualify for the financial support, applicants must:
Have a registered office in the UK (England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland) and be registered with Companies House or be a registered society listed on the Financial Conduct Authority’s Mutuals Register.
Have been actively trading for over 12 months prior to the date of application and have an incorporation date of, no less than, 365 days prior to the date of application.
Have between 5 - 249 employees.
Be purchasing the approved software for the first time.
Where To Find Out More
For general enquiries, interested parties can email the scheme facilitator directly at sme.helptogrow@beis.gov.uk
You will need to provide:
Details regarding the enquiry and any relevant information.
Contact name and details.
Alternatively, you can contact the team at KeySME and we'll do our best to assist with your requirements!